Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 Data Miningのフリーソフト 沈



Monday, June 10, 2013


風見正三, 原科幸彦
日本不 動産学 会誌/第20巻 第1号 ・2006.6

2013.6.6 江田将大

 これまでの環境負荷の大きい都市を自然環境と共生する「持続可能な都市」へと変革するための基礎となる都市の「環境持続可能性指標(Environmental Sustainability Index: ESI)」の開発を行う というのがこの研究の目的。


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Urban policies and sustainable energy management

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the results of the first year of the SoURCE Sustainable Urban Cells research project. The projects main objective, focused on sustainable management of urban areas from an interdisciplinary and holistic approach, is to experience the sustainable reshaping of the city considering a minimum core of the larger citys model, conventionally called the urban cell. The methodological approach aims to evaluate and improve the energy flows from nature to city, from city to itself and from city to nature. The method seeks to provide a standard procedure to evaluate the performance and optimization of the urban cell energy balance through innovation technology either with the use of renewable resources or in the final consumptions. The methodology was tested in a case study of a single urban cell. Since any urban cell will have a different energy balance due to local characteristics and functions, an urban cell can be added to a close one (generating a urban cells grid) in order to ensure a better energy balance from the addition of more than one urban cell. The project foresees the elaboration of tools and strategies for citizen information, training them about energy sustainability, with special emphasis on young people.

COMMENT: This research belongs to a project named Source which is aim to get better sustainable management in Italy and Sweden. The writers introduce a method based on a minimum core called “urban cell” of the city to calculate and assess the balance between potential use of renewable energy source and energy consumptions. The writers also take it into a case study and get some results and conclusions. In my opinion, the method can be optimized for the simulation of energy use, because it provides a possibility to calculate the Ep and Ec. The models of urban area are currently idealized, so this method can be well fit for energy simulation of urban areas. As a primary idea, I will try to take it into practical use and get data which may be valuable for my research. It’s may be an easy way to get something that I want to analysis.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2012,10,18 高階翔太

日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系 (43), 481-484, 2003-05-26



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012.05.30 Nguyen Dinh Thanh

Why retailers cluster: an agent model of location choice on supply chains
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2011, volume 38, pages 82-94
Arthur Huang, David Levinson

This paper investigates the emergence of retail clusters on supply chains comprised of suppliers, retailers, and consumers. An agent-based model is employed to study retail location choice in a market of homogeneous goods and a market of complementary goods. On a circle comprised of discrete locales, retailers play a noncooperative game by choosing locales to maximize profits which are impacted by their distance to consumers and to suppliers. Our findings disclose that in a market of homogeneous products symmetric distributions of retail clusters arise out of competition between individual retailers; average cluster density and cluster size change dynamically as retailers enter the market. In a market of two complementary goods, multiple equilibria of retail distributions are found to be common; a single cluster of retailers has the highest probability to emerge. Overall, our results show that retail clusters emerge from the balance between retailers' proximity to their customers, their competitors, their complements, and their suppliers.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Success Factors for Regional Economic Development by Inviting Offshore Firms: Problems for Fostering Automobile Industry in Kyushu and Tohoku

Friday,May 18,2012
2012.05.18 高階翔太




Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2012.04.19 李雲峰

Agent-based modeling of the diffusion of environmental innovations — An empirical approach 
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 497–511

Nina Schwarz, Andreas Ernst
In this paper, an agent-based model was developed to simulate the acceptance of 3 categories of water-use related technologies for domestic households in Southern Germany. Based on empirical survey and the concept of Sinus-Milieus, they divided agents to 5 lifestyle group, and then give the agents different behaviors and decision making principles based on their lifestyle. 

The result shows that water-saving innovations are likely to diffuse further in Southern Germany, and the information campaigns have a large influence on the diffusion of water-saving innovations.