Thursday, December 24, 2009

Exurbia from the bottom-up: Confronting empirical challengesto characterizing a complex system

Ma Yan
Exurbia from the bottom-up: Confronting empirical challengesto characterizing a complex system
Daniel G. Brown, Derek T. Robinson, Li An, Joan I. Nassauer, Moira Zellner,William Rand, Rick Riolo, Scott E. Page, Bobbi Low, Zhifang Wang
Geoforum 39 (2008) 805–818

This paper described empirical results from a multi-disciplinary project that support modeling complex processes of land-use and land-coverchange in exurban parts of Southeastern Michigan. Based on two different conceptual models, one describing the evolution of urbanform as a consequence of residential preferences and the other describing land-cover changes in an exurban township as a consequenceof residential preferences, local policies, and a diversity of development types, it described a variety of empirical data collected to supportthe mechanisms that encoded in computational agent-based models.
To simulate the residential preferences of residents, the utility model was utilized to reflect the residential location chooose by residents. This utility function the agents use is a variation of the Cobb-Douglas utility function. For the utility part, the socioeconomic characteristics of household is considered.

An agent-based approach to model future residential pressure on a regional landscape

Ma Yan
An agent-based approach to model future residential pressure on a regional landscape
Corentin M. Fontaine and Mark D. A. Rounsevell
Landscape Ecol (2009) 24:1237–1254

This paper presents a framework to model future residential demand for housing in a polycentric region. The model, called HI-LIFE (Household Interactions through LIFE cycle stages), builds on Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) paradigms. In contrast to traditional equilibrium-based urban economics models that assume a homogenous population of rational actors, ABM focuses on the diversity of heterogeneous household agents and their behaviour in time and in space. The model simulates land-use patterns at the regional scale by integrating qualitative knowledge of agent location preferences with quantitative analysis of urban growth dynamics within a high resolution spatial modelling framework. The model was calibrated for the region of East Anglia in the UK using a semi-quantitative procedure. Simulation of urban dynamics for the future was undertaken for a 25 year period with the assumption of a continuation of baseline behavioural trends. The results demonstrated non-uniform, spatial patterns of urban sprawl with some locations experiencing greater urban development pressure than others. The town of Brundall, in particular, has a large potential demand for residential housing because of its proximity to the principle city, Norwich. As Brundall is also located close to a national park and a river, new housing development in this area would increase the risk of ecological impacts and flood damage. By modelling explicitly agent behaviour and interactions, ABM can simulate the response and adaptation strategies of a population to changing circumstances. This makes ABM especially well suited to the analysis of environmental change and landscape ecology pressures through scenario modelling.
In this paper, the accessibility was calculated by the Cobb-Douglas utility function.

Application of an integrated system dynamics and cellular automata model for urban growth assessment: A case study of Shanghai, China

Ma Yan
Ji Han, Yoshitsugu, Hayashi, Xin Cao
Landscape and Urban Planning Vol. 91, 2009, 133–141

Research Background
§By the accelerating urban growth, the accurate assessment of urban growth has become increasingly necessary.
§CA has been proved successful in assessing urban growth by viewing city as a complex system, however, CA model focus more on monitoring and simulating the spatial-temporal changes than on incorporating and interpreting the socioeconomic driving forces.
§Therefore, the integration of CA with other socioeconomic models is urgently needed.

Research Purposes

§To build a model which would be reasonable for evaluation of urban growth driven by human and natural factors at different scales.
§ To test the accuracy of the integrated model and specifies both socioeconomic variables and spatial variables.
§If the accuracy of integrated model is competent for urban growth simulation, then project the urban growth of Shanghai city up to 2020

Research Method
§In the study, an integrated system dynamics (SD) and CA model is developed with its framework. (showed in figure right)
§The problems are mainly focused in two aspects:
(1) A real change of urban land driven by socioeconomic variables
(2) spatial pattern of urban expansion affected by physical factors.

Research Results
§Accuracy test (right figure) showed that SD module is competent for urban growth simulation assessment.
§Kappa statistics between simulation results and actual land use map in 1989 and 2000 is 0.53 and 0.62, suggesting the parameters are reasonable and CA module is capable for simulating the spatial growth of urban land in Shanghai.

§By setting the socioeconomic factors as simulation conditions, it is successful to improve urban growth simulation using CA model
§Besides the spatial simulation, further simulation could be done by creating agents based on CA simulation results
§SD model is possible to be combined with CA and agent-based system.

The interaction of segregation and suburbanization in an agent-based model of residential location

The interaction of segregation and suburbanization in an agent-based model of residential location
Wrote by: Ciriyam Jayaprakash, Keith Warren, Elena Irwin, Kan Chen
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design Vol. 36, 2009, 989 -1007

A model of the interaction of segregation and suburbanization in determining residential location is prsented in this paper. The model incorporates differential income between two classes of agents, a simplified market mechanism for the purchase of housing, and a simple geographic structure of one central city and four symmetrically arranged suburbs. Agents derive utility from neighborhood racial composition, the size of their lot, private amenities that are specific to neighborhoods, and public amenities that stretch across municipalities. It is found that the public amenities term leads to a positive feedback loop in which migration to suburbs increases the public amenities in those municipalities while lowering amenities in the central city, thus sparking further migration. When the minority agents are uniformly less affluent than the majority agents, this dynamic produces discontinuity in segregation as measured by centralization. Such discontinuities are typical of first-order phase transitions. When minority and majority incomes overlap, significant regions appear over which there are multistable equilibria at high and low levels of segregation, along with considerable sensitivity to the initial distribution of minority agents.
Agent utility:

Racial-composition preference:

The proportion of ratial was considered
Spatial preference:

Space available in block and congestion were considered
Preference for private amenities:

The neighborhood of the cell and disposable income of household were considered
Preference for public amenities:

Taxes collected in municipality was considered

Thursday, December 17, 2009

12月17日 久保田

菊地 吉信・野嶋 慎二
(社)日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 No.42-3 2007年10月



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12月3日 久保田

山根 公八・張 峻屹・藤原 章正
(社)日本都市計画学会 都市計画論文集 No.42-3 2007年10月

